What an honor today to give the commencement speech to the graduating senior class of 300+ at Success High School in Round Rock, Texas. Success has a tremendous program geared to those students that have challenges in a normal High School setting and need alternatives to their education. My husband and I gave scholarships to four of the graduating seniors this year through my Girls of Legacy program.
These kids have worked so hard despite tremendous odds, challenges and issues they have faced. “Sage” as they call her addressed her peers saying “many thought I wouldn’t make it, after getting kicked out of school multiple times due to challenging things I was facing in life I was just having a hard time, then I came to Success and my principal believed in me and gave me another chance and although it took me longer than most I DID it!” Yes she did and I expressed in my speech how very proud I am of all of them!
My takeaways:
1. Never ever give up despite failures or issues or even odds.
2. Engage the “right people” around you to help and believe in you even when you don’t believe in yourself. Your relationship choices will make or break you!
3. Scale or tear down those walls - don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do it. If I did it you can!
4. Knowledge is power - learn - go to college, trade school or get professional development but learn to be better. You have to want it bad enough to succeed.
5. Believe in yourself and get in the driver seat to your own future!